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Per usare Quick Pay segui questi semplici passi:
  1. Cerca sul tuo elenco telefonico o sul sito internet, l'ufficio Western Union pił vicino.
  2. Upon arrival, pay the low fixed fee and complete the Quick Pay form indicating:
Pay to IDEC
Locale/Code City IDEC, JT
(per pagamento in dollari USA)
(per pagamento in Lire italiane)

You will get a payment confirmation number and receipt from Western Union.
You can be assured that through this method your payment will arrive in our office within minutes.
From the US and UK you can also pay by credit card. Just call the toll free number and follow the operator's instructions
In the US call 1-800-325-6000
In the UK call 0800-833-833



Come compilre il modulo Western Union

The customer must write the amount they are sending using words.
The customer must write the amount they are sending using numbers.

Pay to
The customer must write the name of the company that will receive the payment.
The customer must write the name of the locale/code city of the company that will receive the payment. The locale/code city is required to make a payment.
Sender Information
The customer must complete the form with their first and last names, address, and telephone number using the spaces provided.
The customer must write their account number or invoice number in the space labeled Account Number.
The Refence Number field con be left blank.
The customner may include a contact person's name and/or phonenumber in this space.
The customer must sign form and present in to the Western Union Agent with their payment.

Trova il tuo Agente di zona Western Union



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